Help Stop OSAEC
For the Public
Be the voice of the children who need help.
Teach children how to stay safe online.
Demand accountability of government. Sign the petition now.
Stay safe online.
Follow SAFERKIDSPH on Facebook and share our content.
For the Government
Enhance efforts to identify children-victims and ensure that they receive the necessary assistance, support and protection.
Investigate cases of OSAEC and identify, apprehend and prosecute perpetrators and facilitators.
Increase awareness among children, parents, educators and the community at large about the risks.
Train stakeholders and strengthen coordination among stakeholders and experts, including those in local government units.
Strengthen and make available prevalence and administrative data on OSAEC to inform better analysis and design of prevention program and response.
Continue to work with global community in investigating and resolving cases, and harnessing international cooperation and expertise.
Reduce the availability of OSAEC images and videos and the re-victimization of children.
Implement protective laws and regulations such as the Child Online Safeguarding Policy under the Free Internet in Public Places Act.
Link OSAEC research and advocacy to mainstream Child Protection and Social Protection work.
Review current policies and laws for more sustainable reforms in interventions and budget.
For Civil Society Organizations
Continue to be engaged and strengthen CSO networks to call for higher accountability of government.
Mobilize communities, including children, parents, caregivers and families to increase awareness and protective behavior.
Increase competencies and expertise on OSAEC.
Link OSAEC advocacy to mainstream Child Protection and Social Protection work.
For Private Sector Companies
On your platforms, make the highest safety settings the default for minors and warn them if they change them.
Teach children and families to stay safe online.
Lend your brands, influence, networks and resources to teach parents and children positive online behaviors.
Self-regulate. Support the laws.
Work with government to apply technology solutions to address OSAEC.

To report cases of online child sexual abuse and exploitation, call:
Actionline Against Human Trafficking:
1343 for Metro Manila
(02) 1343 for outside Metro Manila
Council for the Welfare of Children
Bantay Bata 163:163
Philippine Red Cross:
National Emergency Hotline:
PNP Aleng Pulis:
0919 777 7377
UP-PGH COVID-19 Bayanihan Operations Center:
155 200