Stay Safe Online

Anyone can be a victim of abuse. It is important to keep
your social media profiles secure and think before you share online.

For Parents
Keep your children safe online:

  1. Monitor your children’s use of smartphones or tablets. Put your computer in a location where you can see them, like your living room or dining area.
  2. Know who your child’s online friends are.
  3. Encourage your children to ask themselves before posting anything if the information or photo is something they would give a stranger. If the answer is no, do not post it.
  4. Teach your children to set their locations to private.
  5. Keep track of their internet time.
  6. Encourage your children to seek help or counsel when something disturbs them. Let them know that you are there to protect and defend them.
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Stay Safe Online

Stay safe on social media


Do not accept friend requests or reply to messages from people you do not know.


Set your account to private.


Do not put personal information on your bio like your birthday, school, workplace, or address.


Do not share revealing photos, or use inappropriate screen names.


Do not overshare details about your life, like where you live.


Avoid joining groups that post nasty content.

Visit these pages to keep your social media profiles secure: